Closet to Closet
Closet to Closet, a clothing recycling ministry at the church, open to everyone, first and third Saturdays of the month, from 9 am until noon, except July, it is the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays. A 25¢ donation per item is requested. Proceeds fund the Abundance Cupboard. Free coffee and a baked treat are served in the church dining room, and someone is available to pray for or with attendees as requested.
Free Coffee Hour
Free coffee/baked goods during Closet to Closet. Feel free to stop in and join us for coffee & fellowship.
Abundance Cupboard
Abundance Cupboard is open the third Saturday of each month. Free cleaning and personal hygiene items are distributed to clients recommended through Love In the Name of Christ, Springville, 716-592-3761.
Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays at 10AM - Currently studying Proverbs.
Men’s Breakfast
Third Sunday of every month at 8:30am,
prior to Worship.